Friday, October 15, 2010

Team behind fake bear video apologises

It is indeed a creative uploaded video which is absolutely lack of social responsibility.

In an interview with MediaCorp radio station 987fm this evening, Nicholas Ye, the creative director behind the guerilla marketing campaign, said there were no intentions to cause the public any harm.

"I'm very apologetic of any sort of alert we might've caused the parents. Right now we're just really trying to suss out the sentiment, we're talking to all the relevant people that we might've caused concern to. But also, there are a whole bunch of people, a lot more people actually, who are very engaged by the campaign."


This gentleman simply don't understand that his team has not only been a social nusiance but a nusiance that could have diverted the law enforcers from real life threatening situations as well. Stricter laws and regulations should be enforced to prevent people or companies to misuse the media for their own selfish cause.

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